Inlays and onlays could be the answer to your tooth decay

Inlays and onlays could be the answer to your tooth decay

What are inlays and onlays treatment all about?

The most common dental procedure after cleaning and examination are small to medium-sized fillings. In most cases, these can be done directly in the mouth in a one visit procedure. However, in certain situations where a part of the tooth has been lost due to decay or cracking of the tooth, a direct filling will result in a less than ideal long term solution. Examples of this are when a cusp (the pointed part of the tooth that cuts your food) breaks off or when it is too difficult to get a direct filling tight up against the adjacent tooth resulting in a food trap. In these circumstances, an indirect filling which is made outside of the mouth in a dental laboratory is the preferred option. These are called inlays or inlays. An inlay is a part that fills up the hole in the tooth. An onlay is the part that lies on top of the tooth when a cusp has come off.

Inlays and inlays work well for patients who suffer from tooth decay and want to restore the look and function of their teeth. Together the inlay and onlay protect your tooth from further damage.

How will it benefit me?

The benefits of this treatment are vast but here are a few:

  • Your inlay and onlay are made from high-quality material
  • They are durable and can last many years if taken care of properly
  • They treat your tooth decay while preserving the structure of your tooth and protecting you from further danger
  • They can eliminate tooth loss and sensitivity

Before you need inlays and onlays treatment, protect your teeth against cavities

The best way to prevent decay is to:

  • Excellent daily oral hygiene by brushing at least 2-3 times daily, flossing daily and using a daily mouthwash.
  • A balanced diet without too much sugar and also avoid hard foods such as toffees, pork crackling, hard nuts
  • Drink lots of water which neutralises the acid in your mouth. Limit the use of carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
  • Have regular 6 monthly checkup and cleanings with the dentist.

One mistake people make with their teeth is letting their dental problems go on for quite a while. What could’ve been sorted by a minor procedure ends up being a more complicated and costly procedure. At Hyde Park Dental Care, we want to help the people of Sydney be more proactive when it comes to taking care of their teeth. Regular check-ups with your dentist are great because it helps your dentist easily and swiftly identify if there are any issues that need fixing.

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